I am a computer science and math major at Purdue seeking a Full Time Software Engineering Job after graduation in December 2020.
I am interested especially in Backend or Full Stack positions.
See below for more info on some of my projects. Also check out my Github or send me an email.



GovHub was a team project created for my Software Testing class in Fall 2019. The idea behind the app was to create an online hub where local governments could track issues such as fallen stop signs or other local issues. Citizens of the town could report, comment on, and track the issues, and government officials could manage them. Find it on Github.

Wizard Duel Logo

Wizard Duel 1 and 2

At my first hackathon, my team worked together to learn Android development and create Wizard Duel. It is a turn-based combat game with resource management mechanics and custom gestures. We struggled at the beginning to make even simple things work, but at the end of the hackathon we won Best Android App. My contribution included much of the backend for the app including writing the code for the gameplay loop and creating most of the actions. Find it on Github.
The next year, in our Software Engineering class, we created Wizard Duel 2. It features online gameplay with a leveling system and skill based matchmaking. Check it out on Github

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Beef Buddy

Beef Buddy is a GroupMe bot created in Python. I made him for my friends' group chat. He can do simple things such as pick a number, flip a coin, or even give a random inspirational quote or solve very simple math problems. This was a fun, simple project that all my friends enjoy using. Find it on Github.

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Hello Mentors

Hello Mentors is a mentor organizing app that could be used at a hackathon. It features 3 types of accounts: mentor, organizer, and hacker. Each one has a dashboard that displays relevant information to the user. Check it out on Github.

Click a Cookie Logo

Idle Clicker

My first significant foray into iOS development, I created this game during Summer 2018. It is a clicker game featuring resource management, and a leveling system. It also has basic Firebase support, segues to multiple screens, and persistent locally saved data. Find it on Github.

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Other Activities

I have had two internships, one at Union Pacific as a backend IT intern and one at Smart Information Flow Technologies as a research intern. I am currently Director of Hello World, Purdue's freshman-only hackathon, and I was Vice President of Purdue's chapter of ACM SIGAPP for 2 years. For more information about my activities, check out my resume.